Thanks Trump: Goldman Is Losing Faith In Goldman’s Ability To Get Anything Done

Well, it’s about time.

We were wondering how long it would ultimately be before Jan Hatzius and Alec Phillips got around to commenting on the fact that America’s democracy is coming apart at the seams, but we suppose the delayed reaction makes sense. After all, they probably had to check with all the Goldman employees in Trump’s inner circle to get clearance to write something up.

Over the past couple of days we’ve brought you all kinds of analysis from all corners of the Street (and the world) with regard to the odds of Trump being impeached or otherwise simply abdicating the throne out of sheer exasperation with the whole “separation of powers” and “freedom of the press” thing.

You should check out Citi’s take here and maybe this too.

But for those who want to know what’s “really” going on, we present below the latest from Jan Hatzius and Alec Phillips.

Do note that they make the same argument a lot of other folks are making with regard to markets – namely that traders priced out the Trump agenda a long time ago, so if you’re looking for a reason to lighten up on risk, find something besides “Trump.”

Via Goldman

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Author: Travis Esquivel

Travis Esquivel is an engineer, passionate soccer player and full-time dad. He enjoys writing about innovation and technology from time to time.

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