How To Properly Utilize Your Marketing Team
If your business has a professional marketing team, chances are you think they will take care of everything on their own. It’s a common misconception that there is nothing you can do on your end to help them out. If you are one of the many who think this, you are sorely mistaken. In fact, a lot of what your marketing team even does hinges on you and how well you work with them. Learning what small steps you can take to properly utilize your marketing team can make all the difference in the world. Let’s take a look at what those few small things are.
The number one most important thing in properly utilizing your marketing team is to communicate… often. Ask what marketing campaigns are going on, how people are interacting, and what has been working or not working. You should also ask if the marketing campaigns have been successfully translating to sales. In return, offer any new information your marketing specialists ask of you to the fullest of your abilities. Answer all of the questions they may have, and work with them to come up new ideas or directions for your campaigns.
Take Notes
Throughout your day take notes on things which may be of importance to your marketing team. Send these notes over to your lead marketer at the end of each day. While it is nearly impossible to take notes on everything, here are a few things you will definitely want to note down for your marketing team:
any important questions customers have asked, or any questions multiple customers have asked
new products or services
big milestones or landmarks for your company
any new openings of brick and mortar stores, or updated designs of online stores
anything important that your sales team relates to you
any notes on upcoming events, promotions, or product debuts
Be Generous
Be generous with giveaways to help allow your marketing team an edge. They can’t create or promote giveaways without your go ahead and input, so ensure you always have something ready for them. It doesn’t have to be something big. It can be a small, simple service or product. The point is to simply give your marketing team the go ahead to use these items as part of promotional giveaways. It is a commonly known fact that giveaways are a key factor in bringing people onto your site, engaging them, and making customers out of them. Plus, it gives on-the-fence customers a chance to win and test drive your product or services.
Reward Success
When your marketing team excels beyond what you asked of them, or when they reach a huge milestone in sales, followers, likes, or whatever, you should reward them for it. For example, let’s say that your goal for the month was to get an additional 5,000 likes on your Facebook page as well as an additional 5,000 followers on Twitter in order to expand your primary reach. Let’s say that over the course of the given month your marketing team manages to bring in 7,500 likes and followers on those two given sites. Reward them for it! Maybe you could give each personal a small bonus or award a few extra hours of comp time. Perhaps you could throw a company party in their honor. It doesn’t really matter what you reward them with, only that you do reward them for their efforts in some small way. This will ensure your marketing team is driven, professional, hard working, and generally happy with their positions.
Read more: How To Properly Utilize Your Marketing Team